Graduate Education in the Department of Mathematics at DEU

This month’s theme of our career event organized by DEU Faculty of Science Department of Mathematics in cooperation with DEU Career Planning Center and DEU The Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences is “Informing Undergraduate Students about Graduate Programs”. Everyone who is interested is invited to the talk titled “Graduate Education in the Department of Mathematics at DEU” given by  Asst. Prof. Dr. Celal Cem SARIOĞLU (Graduate Program  Coordinator of the Mathematics Department) and by  other faculty members of the Department of Mathematics under the moderation of Assoc. Prof.Dr. Aslı GÜÇLÜKAN İLHAN.

Date: Wednesday, 22.05.2024

Time: 13.00-14.00

Location: Classroom No. B255 (DEU Fac. of Sci., Dept. of Math., Block B, 2nd floor)


  • Asst.Prof.Dr. Celal Cem SARIOĞLU (Graduate Program Coordinator of Mathematics Department, DEU)
  • Faculty members of the Department of Mathematics, DEU

Moderator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aslı GÜÇLÜKAN İLHAN