Bialgebroids and Dual Calculus

Keremcan Doğan , İstanbul Technical University Postdoctoral Researcher.

Date: 10th of  November, 2023, Friday.

Time: 12.30 – 13.30.

Place: Dokuz Eylül Univ., Tınaztepe Campus, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics, Room B206.

Abstract: In this talk, we will first explain why algebroids constitute a good framework for generalizations of geometric structures suitable for string and M theories. After a quick overview of their fundamental properties, we will focus on bialgebroids and algebroid calculus. Then, we will be interested in the extensions of Drinfel’d doubles using these notions and certain compatibility conditions between them. We will finish the discussion with the relation between our constructions and exceptional geometries required for string theory. If time permits, we will slightly touch upon the global picture about the formal bundle rackoids.

+1 Step in Career: Student Clubs

This month’s theme of our career event is “+1 Step in Career: Student Clubs”, and we are hosting the DEU Robotics Club (DeuRov), Industrial Engineering Student Club (DEU EMT) and IEEE Dokuz Eylül University Student Branch in our event. The event is open to all mathematics department students and those who are interested. Those who are interested are kindly requested to contact the moderator (Asst.Prof.Dr. Celal Cem SARIOĞLU).


Date and Time: 03.11.2023, 12:30
Location: B253 (DEÜ Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics)