Classification of the Irreducible Unitary Representations of the Infinite Symmetric Group

Cihan Sahillioğulları and Sedef Taşkın, Dokuz Eylül University.
Date: 10th and 17th of January, 2018, Wednesday. Time: 09:30 – 12:00.
Place: Dokuz Eylül Univ., Tınaztepe Campus, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics, Room B206.
Abstract for the 1st talk by Cihan Sahillioğulları:
In this talk, we introduce the classification of irreducible tame representations of infinite symmetric group. First of all, we present the group we work on. Later, we talk about Olshanski’s semigroups and spherical representations of infinite bisymmetric group.
Abstract for the 2nd talk by Sedef Taşkın:
In this talk, we present an introduction to the classification of all irreducible unitary representations of the infinite symmetric group. First the infinite symmetric group will be introduced. Then we mention representations of semigroups with involution. After this, we use representations of semigorups to classify all irreducible unitary representations of the infinite symmetric group.