Career Tips from Young Graduates

In cooperation with Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Career Planning Center, on 25.09.2023 at 12.05, a conversation titled “Career Tips from Young Graduates” will be held with Aslı GÜLTEKİN, Mathematics 2023 graduate, under the moderation of Celal Cem SARIOĞLU. The talk is open to all mathematics department students and those who are interested. Those who are interested are asked to contact the moderator.

Speaker: Aslı GÜLTEKİN (Data Scientist, Pivony)
Date and Time: Monday, 25.09.2023, 12.05
Channel: DEUMatematikKARİYER

+1 Step in Career: Student Clubs

The theme of our career event this month is +1 Step in Career: Student Clubs, and we host the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Club, Google Developer Students Clubs-DEU and Business Student Club in our event. The event is open to all mathematics department students and those who are interested. Those who are interested are asked to contact the moderator (Dr. Zübeyir Türkoğlu).


Date and Time: 17.04.2023, 11:30

Channel: Kariyerde +1

On rings whose cyclic modules have cyclic injective hulls

Prof. Dr. Christian Lomp, Department of Mathematics, University of Porto in Porto, Portugal. Date: 19th of April 2023, Wednesday. Time: 11:00. Place: Online/Microsoft Teams- Meeting ID: 351 128 968 15 Passcode: Gy4n4B

Abstract: In 1964, Barbara Osofsky proved in her PhD thesis that a ring whose cyclic modules are injective is semisimple Artinian. William Cadwell in his PhD thesis from 1966 studied when injective hulls of cyclic modules are cyclic and termed them hypercyclic rings. He characterised left perfect left hypercyclic rings as well as commutative local hypercyclic rings. In this talk we will revise the literature on rings whose cyclic modules have cyclic injective hulls and present some more recent results, obtained jointly with Mohamed Yousif and Yiqiang Zhou.

Graduate Education in Mathematics

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burcu SİLINDİR YANTIR (Vice Chair), Date: 28.03.2023, Time: 16:00, Place:

In cooperation with Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Science Department of Mathematics and Career Planning Center, a conversation moderated by Assist.Prof.Dr. Celal Cem SARIOĞLU and on “Graduate Education in Mathematics” will be held with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burcu SİLİNDİR YANTIR, who is vice chair of Mathematics department.  Those who are interested are asked to contact the moderator.

Some Geometry for Robot Kinematics

J.M. Selig, London South Bank University.
DAte: 26th January, 2023, Time: 14:00.
Place: Dokuz Eylül Üniv., Tınaztepe Yerleşkesi, Fen Fak. Matematik Böl.

Abstract:The talk will begin with a brief review of dual quaternions and the realisation of the group of rigid-body displacements by the Study quadric. Next we look at some linear subspaces of the Study quadric and their interpretation as sets of displacements. Following this we will describe some sets of displacements that are intersections of the Study quadric with linear subspaces of the surrounding P^7. Then we will discuss some Segre varieties. These can be realised by simple serial linkages. A final extended example shows how some of these ideas can be used to solve problems in the theory of mechanisms.

Quaternions, Dual Quaternions and Clifford algebras

J.M. Selig, London South Bank University.
Date: 24th January, 2023, Time: 14:00.
Place: Dokuz Eylül Üniv., Tınaztepe Yerleşkesi, Fen Fak. Matematik Böl.

Abstract:After a brief review of Hamilton’s quaternions and how they can be used to represent rotations, Clifford’s dual quaternions will be discussed. The use of this algebra to represent rigid-body displacements will be explained. As will the relation to the Study quadric. The representation of twists, infinitesimal rigid-body displacements, will also be considered. Finally, the notion of Clifford algebras will be introduced and various examples will be considered. In particular, examples rep-resenting the algebra of 3-dimensional Euclidean geometry will be outlined.

2022-2023 Fall Semester Make-up Exam Schedule

Tuesday 20, December 202213.00MAT 2039 Differential Equations I
MAT 1015 Technical English I
MAT 3059 Numerical Analysis I
Place: Head of Department Office
Wednesday 21, December 202210.20MAT 1031 Calculus I
MAT 1035 Analytic Geometry
MAT 3055 Algebra I
MAT 4045 Galois Theory
Place: Head of Department Office
Wednesday 21, December 202213.00TDL 1001 Turkish Language IPlace: Head of Department Office