Using Artificial Neural Networks in Solving Differential Equations

The theme of our career event this month is “Generative Artificial Intelligence and Our Profession” and within the scope of the theme, a seminar titled “Using Artificial Neural Networks in Solving Differential Equations” will be given by Dr. Cem ÇELİK in our department. The seminar is open to everyone who is interested.

Speaker: Dr. Cem ÇELİK (DEU, Department of Mathematics)
Title: Using Artificial Neural Networks in Solving Differential Equations
Date and Time: 19.03.2025 (Wednesday),  12:00
Place: B256 (DEU Faculty of Science Department of Mathematics Block B 2nd floor)

The intersection of scientific computing and machine learning has given rise to a paradigm known as Scientific Machine Learning (SciML). This talk will explore the principles of SciML, with a particular focus on Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs), a novel approach that integrates the principles of physics with machine learning techniques to solve complex scientific and engineering problems. By embedding physical laws directly into the neural network architecture, PINNs enable the modeling of systems governed by partial differential equations (PDEs) while leveraging the strengths of data-driven methods. This presentation will cover the foundational concepts of PINNs through practical examples, and participants will gain insights into the potential of PINNs to revolutionize problem-solving.

Actuarial Career for Mathematics Students

The theme of our career event this month is “Actuarial” and a talk will be held with our 2023 graduate Mustafa EROL on the subject of “Actuarial Career for Mathematics Students”. The event is open to all mathematics students and anyone interested.

Speaker: Mustafa Erol (AXA Insurance Actuarial Assistant Specialist)
Subject: Actuarial Career for Mathematics Students
Date and Time: 13.01.2025, 12:00
Place: B256 (Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics)
Moderator: Asst.Prof.Dr. Celal Cem SARIOĞLU

Cryptography and Mathematics

This month’s career event theme is “Cryptography and Mathematics”. We are pleased to host a talk on this subject with Beste AKDOĞAN KÖSEMEN, a 2016 graduate of our department and currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Cryptography at METU Institute of Applied Mathematics. The event is open to all mathematics department students and anyone interested. (Non-mathematics department participants are kindly requested to contact the moderator for attendance.)

Speaker: Res. Asst. Beste AKDOĞAN KÖSEMEN (Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Mathematics Department & METU Institute of Applied Mathematics)
Topic: Mathematics and Cryptography
Date & Time: December 23, 2024, 12:00 PM
Channel: DEUMatematikKARİYER
Moderator: Asst.Prof.Dr. Celal Cem SARIOĞLU


From Mathematics to Codes: Shaping the Future with Artificial Intelligence

The theme of our career event this month, organized by DEU Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics in collaboration with DEU Career Planning Center, is “Career Tips from Young Graduates”. Everyone interested in the talk titled “From Mathematics to Codes: Shaping the Future with Artificial Intelligence”, which we will hold with our 2024 graduate of the Department of Mathematics “Şule YALIM”, who works as an expert software developer at Morfoz AI, is invited. (Participants other than students of the Department of Mathematics are kindly requested to contact the moderator for event participation.)

Speaker: Şule YALIM (DEU Mathematics 2024 Graduate / Morfoz AI, Expert Software Developer)
Moderator: Asst. Prof. Dr.  Celal Cem SARIOĞLU
Date and Time: 30.11.2024, 19:00
Chanel: DEUMatematikKARİYER

How to Write a TUBITAK 2209 A/B Project? What Should be Considered?

The theme of our career event this month is “+1 Step in Career: I am Writing a TÜBİTAK 2209 Project”. In our event, information will be given about TÜBİTAK 2209 University Student Research Projects and a conversation will be held on the points to be considered when writing a project. The event is open to all mathematics department students and those who are interested.

Speaker: Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Celal Cem SARIOĞLU
Date and Time: 25.10.2024, 12:15
Place: B256 (DEU Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics)


Dreams That Touch the Sky

Salih AKIN, Second Pilot at THY (graduated from DEU, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics)

Saadet SARICA, THY Cargo Marketing Directorate, Fare Specialist at the Fare Department (graduated from DEU, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics)

Date: Thursday, May 23, 2024

Time: 13:30

Location: DEÜ, Faculty of Science, B block, Prof. Dr. Ömer Köse Conference Hall

Summary: In this event, we will share my business processes and career experiences in the aviation industry.


Graduate Education in the Department of Mathematics at DEU

This month’s theme of our career event organized by DEU Faculty of Science Department of Mathematics in cooperation with DEU Career Planning Center and DEU The Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences is “Informing Undergraduate Students about Graduate Programs”. Everyone who is interested is invited to the talk titled “Graduate Education in the Department of Mathematics at DEU” given by  Asst. Prof. Dr. Celal Cem SARIOĞLU (Graduate Program  Coordinator of the Mathematics Department) and by  other faculty members of the Department of Mathematics under the moderation of Assoc. Prof.Dr. Aslı GÜÇLÜKAN İLHAN.

Date: Wednesday, 22.05.2024

Time: 13.00-14.00

Location: Classroom No. B255 (DEU Fac. of Sci., Dept. of Math., Block B, 2nd floor)


  • Asst.Prof.Dr. Celal Cem SARIOĞLU (Graduate Program Coordinator of Mathematics Department, DEU)
  • Faculty members of the Department of Mathematics, DEU

Moderator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aslı GÜÇLÜKAN İLHAN

How to Prepare TÜBİTAK 2209 Projects?

This month’s theme of our career event organized by DEU Faculty of Science Department of Mathematics in cooperation with DEU Career Planning Center is “I am writing a TÜBİTAK 2209-A/B Project”. Everyone who is interested is invited to the conversation on “How to Prepare TÜBİTAK 2209 Projects?“, which we will hold with Can SELEK (Project manager) and Assoc.Prof.Dr. Aslı GÜÇLÜKAN İLHAN (Project Advisor), their 2009-A projects were supported by TUBİTAK within the scope of 2023, 2nd term applications.

Date: Tuesday, 07.05.2024

Time: 15.00-16.00

Place: Classroom No. B253 (Fac. of Sci. Dept. of Math., Block B, 2nd floor)


  • Can SELEK (Undergraduate student, Mathematics Department, DEU),
  • Assoc.Prof.Dr. Aslı GÜÇLÜKAN İLHAN (Mathematics Department, DEU)

Moderator: Asst.Prof.Dr. Celal Cem SARIOĞLU

Different Career Routes : Air Traffic Controller

This month’s theme of our career event organized by the DEU Faculty of Science Department of Mathematics in cooperation with the DEU Career Planning Center is “Different Career Routes”. Everyone who is interested is invited to the conversation on “Air Traffic Controller”, which we will hold with “Tuğçe SERTOĞLU”, 2009 graduate of the Department of Mathematics, who works as an air traffic controller in state airports. (Participants other than Mathematics Department students are requested to contact the moderator to participate the event.)

Speaker: Tuğçe SERTOĞLU (DEU Mathematics 2009 Graduate / DHMI Air Traffic Controller)
Moderator: Asst. Prof. Dr. Celal Cem SARIOĞLU
Date and Time: 29.03.2024, 21:00
Channel:  DEUMatematikKARİYER

How I Succeeded? From Student to Academician

This month’s theme of our career event, which we organized in cooperation with DEU Career Planning Center and DEU Faculty of Science Department of Mathematics, is “How I Succeeded”. The talk titled “From Student to Academician”, which we will hold under the moderation of our Mathematics Department KPMI Student Representative Ayşenur YAZICI and with the participation of Mathematics Department faculty member Asst.Prof. Dr. Murat ALTUNBULAK, is open to everyone and everyone who is interested is welcome.

Speaker: Asst.Prof.Dr. Murat ALTUNBULAK
Moderator: Ayşenur YAZICI
Date and Time: 23.02.2023, 12:00
Location: Classroom B256 (Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics)