Coupled/decoupled linear/nonlinear responses of ice cover to external loads

Prof. Dr. Alexander Korobkin, School of Mathematics, University of East Anglia, Norwich/United Kingdom

Date: May 24, 2024, Friday

Time: 13:00 am

Place: B255, Faculty of Science, Dokuz Eylül University

Abstract: Modelling response of an elastic floating plate to a body moving under the plate is discussed. The original problem is nonlinear and coupled with the plate deflection being dependent on the hydrodynamic pressure, which in turn depends on the plate deflection. It is shown that the problem can be treated as decoupled for some conditions of the body motion, which significantly simplifies the analysis. Within the decoupled model, the body motion and the hydrodynamic pressure along the plate/water interface are calculated without account for the plate deflection. Then this pressure is applied to the equations of the plate dynamics without account for the fluid response to the plate deflection. It is known that only rather small strains are allowed in ice plates, which limits the deflections of the ice and importance of the nonlinear effects. It is shown that nonlinear effects in problems of hydroelastic response of floating ice sheets can be approximately neglected in many practical situations.